Sunday, October 6, 2019

Hamsa prayer

I love this - saw it today on a gift plaque at Forest Lake shops. I'm going to try to say it every day.

Privacy block at the back, and side

So far, the growth of the mulberry and the banana trees have successfully blocked off the view to the back neighbour's back door. They used to sit on their back balcony and gaze at me and my place. Well, now they can't easily see through the foliage, and my hope is that the trees will become thicker, more dense and block the view altogether. It also means I cannot see them. Suits me - not interested in them at all.

and from the side neighbours....I used an old cover for a market umbrella, and a large piece of shade-cloth to shield the side from the steaky-beaking eyes of the neighbours on the side.

9 Oct 2019 - Some side views

16 Oct 2019 -  The plants are growing well enough to begin to cover views from out the back - i.e., covering up the view of the back door of the house next door, and hopefully preventing them from seeing into my area too.

The passionfruit lives? No!

I trimmed down the stalks left from pulling this one out, and lo! shortly thereafter appeared a new shoot, which leads me to believe that perhaps it might come back. IDK.

Anyway, I await with pensive thoughts.

13 Oct 2019 - the shoot gets bigger.

16 Oct 2019 - As I was watering this morning, I noticed some strange changes. The leaves appear to have been eaten off. The dogs brushing against it? Will this kill the new growth? It remains to be seen.

26 Oct 2019 - Alas that shoot has well and truly died.

Tutti comes to mama (in the garden)

Front of house and garden views