Friday, January 5, 2018

Lawn just mowed

And all looks neat, for a day or so!

 The trees are really coming on, thanks to all the rain of late.

Galpini spectacular

 This vine has really taken off.

Random shots #1

I think I have a nice home. And garden. Thanks to my hard work. I do like being in my own place.

Book tree + updates

My pink version has grown to over 7ft tall but I do wish she would straighten up.

This was her in Sept 2017, and even earlier, in April 2017. So much growth in a few months!

Update: 10 Jan 2018 -

I chopped off the top section at the place where new potential branches were shooting out sideways, and tied the main leader branch tighter to the pole. Hopefully this will regulate the 'up-growth', and encourage side-ways growth. Will keep my eye on it, but it does look better proportioned already. I want to encourage breadth - sideways dimension.

Update: 12 Nov 2018 - 

She looked a bit spare for a while - blossomed but then lost many leaves, and bore seeds, some of which are still attached and gradually browning. I notice new growth on the sides - new shoots. Great - I want her to survive.

23 Nov 2018: She has seeded (and I have some collected) and is looking much better 
after the recent rains. Lots of new leaves thickening up.

26 Nov 2018: New growth looking lush - 

See HERE for further updates.

Tree wisteria #1 and jac #2 + updates

Both have grown so well lately - must be all the abundant rain we've had.
Jac has grown above her guide post - so exciting!

Jac Update 10 Jan 2018: Burgeoning!

The little wist has added multi new leaf fronds. 

Update 13 Jan 2018 - Little wist has outgrown her guide-pole!

Update 18 March 2018:

She's well and truly 'up there'!

Unfortunately, during work for the renovation, this tree was ripped out and killed by the builder. I was shocked. Sigh.

White crepe myrtle flowers again!

Finally! She seems to be a late bloomer - just like her owner!
(That power pole will soon not be seen, thanks to growth of plants! woo-hoo)
Covered in native bees
She's beautiful. I can hardly wait till she gets big and tall.

Past posts about this plant HERE 2017 and HERE 2016. Myyy - she HAS grown!

Update 10 Jan, 2018 - more blooms!

Update 17 Jan 2018: She's sooo beautiful!

How she was at Jan 23, 2017 -  pics HERE

Taffy's funny!

(shame about the washing basket etc in the background!)

Fat girl!