Friday, May 15, 2020

Half painted back pergola

Back of house, utility area. I decided to paint the upper sections of the pergola the Dulux Domino colour. I think it looks quite sharp and tidy, and provides shade, and a nice contrast to the foliages. Only half-done at this stage.

Water tanks

Little Tiina in repose

She was vaccinated F4 yesterday. She is only 3.5 kg. Little girl!

10-13 June 2020 - And in the winter, loving the heater!

Sue's Reads

My long-time friend Sue Day, who lives in Cairns, posts occasionally her list of reading on Instagram. Here's her latest.
I'm going to read them too, at some stage. I hate working, but ave to, for at least a few more years, alas.

Planted nasturtiums

Bought multiple nasturtium seed packets yesterday from Bunnings, and planted them in my vacant beds - hopefully they will provide green and colour over the dull, cold winter months, when I don't want to fuss in the garden much - in the mornings anyways.

Sunday 26 July, 2020 - 
Very wet weekend. The nasturtiums are standing up beautifully. I espcially like the long-legged one.
We went to Wild Rose Cottage recently, and they had a bunch of the arms growing over an old bed frame, upright. Looked great.

8 Aug 2020 - 

Bits for reno

Large lattice sheets - 

Gate idea for back side of house -  

Utility Room - 

Colour of renoe'd kitchen - 

Garden Augur - from Bunnings

Water tanks - 

Large lattice pieces on street side of carport -