Thursday, June 29, 2017

New brackets on the front

I wanted to have two more hanging baskets at the front to put draping plants in - all the same and matching, so I had Tye from Fallon 50 put two more up this morning. Will take a front view when I have the baskets installed.

This is the current side view, showing the brackets in situ.

Trimmed the jasmine, and bark for 'John's garden' #2

I pruned the jasmine back - I will have to be careful to ensure it remains 'espaliered' onto the wall and wire, not falling forward.

Also, I am considering bark for the surface of the front garden, just to contain the weeds and make it look neater. The metal fence needs painting too. I'm considering a 'forest green' colour.

Veggie bed progress: #3

They are doing just fine - I have large flowers on the zucchini's which is fun to see. I have already eaten about 4 small flowers in an omelette - lovely.
I have also had a salad with my own lettuce varieties, coriander and parsley. So good!

Veggies IN #2

After 6 bags of potting mix - for each bay  - plus compost and horse poo, and mulch.
$2.45 per bag of potting mix.

New from Sherwood Vinnies

A little plaque, all 'Frenchie' and pretty. Anne pointed out the perfect spot for it!!

Next up - tiling

For kitchen and laundry - backsplashes. I will use Fallon 50 again for the job - soon.

John recovers my outdoor dining chairs

They look sooo much better now!



John working on the chair seats.

 So much lighter and brighter!

Second towel rack up in bathroom + update

Put up by Tye (from Fallon 50) this morning.

I am so pleased to have somewhere else to dry things, and I don't think it's too far jutting out over the bath space.

I will paint the back brace to match the wall soon - white.

Finally painted the towel rack (Dec, 2018):

Washing line up

Unfortunate location - too public, but full of sun, so hopefully it won't be long till I renovate and it will be shielded behind a wall!

Tye put it up, from Fallon 50.