Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Greening the pergola - Garden rooms

 Garden rooms

Roof acoutrements - doors and kitchen hanger, extra ladder up

Garden display ideas

Water Garden ideas

What to do with that convex mirror


Obelisks and plinths


Shady part of garden idea


Idea for Utilities Walk

Wine, plants and cats


French taste, Oct 6, 2020

 I have been watching The Chateaux Diaries via Youtube. I noticed I have quite a bit of French 'stuff', and decided to take some photos to display on the website (Facebook), especially my daybed.

Fairy in the garden

 Mum bought this for me from Bunnings on Sun Oct 8

Esk Staffordshire dog


The Childers hole drama


The Childers Trip Sept 27 - Sept 30, 2020


22 October 2020 - Used the last of Des and Sonia's chookie eggs today - such lovely golden yolks!