Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Drunken Parrot tree 2020

In August 2020, I planted one of these in the front garden, across the road from Mum's.

It took a long time to show progress while it was establishing itself, and during the winter, it seemed dormant.

Finally, as Spring arrived this season 2020, there showed signs of growth, and I can hardly wait until it matches Mum's in height and the fun of the birds coming to drink the nectar!

The below photos are the huge tree beside the Library at school. It's great to be able to view the unusual flowers up close - at least whilst I wait for my tree to grow up and flower!

Here's my growing plant, 15 October, 2020 - I'll be happy when it reaches fence height and bigger!!

21 October, 2020 - Grow! Grow! Grow!

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