Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Embryonic grapes! New season - Spring, Oct 2018

Lots of young, fresh, new shoots on Dirk's (3 yr old) vine:

Overall, the vine is going quite well for the new season, it's third summer.

3 Nov, 2018:

And here they are, when grown: HERE

Native hibiscus yellow

Flowers do not last long, but they are pretty. They look yellow before they bloom.

Side of house front


This is how it looked last year. There is, obviously, a ways to go yet.

Native hibiscus pink and white

The flowers don't last long, but I love the barber-shop stripes on the buds. On the flower itself, the pink is just a little edging with a deep red centre. So, so pretty.



All the various leaves and foliage along that front fence is beginning to please me greatly.

17 Nov 2019 -  Finally, after a very long time, a prune, and a lot of water, we have another flower -

18 Nov 2019 -

9 Aug 2020 - 

Lazy Taffy

She likes to sleep as much as possible! Not a very active cat, but she can run if she wants to!