Friday, November 23, 2018

Red robin update

Taken 24 Nov 2018:

Back in 2017:

Christmas 2018 #1

How shall I decorate the garden this year? This was last year (2017).

Morning Garden Pics: pre and post mow!

We're whipper-snipping and mowing today.  

The place has so much potential. Pity I just can't get to it fast enough at the moment.
Those delightful power poles. Not. 
Photos pre-mow...

Photos post-mow, next morning: I swept the gutter of whip-snip mess, trimmed the red robins and boug outside the fence, and generally tidied. I shovelled all the dirt from the old garden beds, and moved it onto the other parts of the garden.

My feet were filthy by the end of the session!

Beautiful pink and white, on 29 Nov 2018.

New rack

from a lady in Eastern Heights. Using it for ironing stuff at the moment, but it will make a great garden plant stand eventually.
In situ at hers

In situ at mine