Monday, August 20, 2018

Potted flowers for morale + updates

Potted stripey petunias and some pansies this morning, to try to make the front more appealing. Hope for the future!

Petunias now beginning to flower -  I do like the stripey and flowery ones.

25 Sept 2018 - 

Poor galpini and honeysuckle in the drought + update

The poor plants have yellowed somewhat in the drought. I've tried to keep the soil moist with waterings a couple of times per week, but I think deep down below the soil, there isn't much for the roots to drink.

Compared to the way it looked this time last year, it's struggling. There was one flower recently, and I notice a few buds now, but it's looking desparate. Apparently rain is expected next weekend.

How it looked earlier this year (Jan, 5):

29 Nov 2018: Looking better after a few rains and some watering...