Wednesday, January 29, 2020


31 May 2020 - Through the screen, looking into the living room - it was a warm and cosy evening.

Kitty antics

Mitsy the cat from next-door (Cheryl's) frequently comes over here to sit and even comes inside to eat my babies food.

She is becoming a pest but I can't make myself be nasty to her. My cats fight with her - especially Taffy and Teenie. Tutti tries to feign indifference.

Views of the poinciana + seeds!

27 Nov 2020 - Flowers again! 

29 Jan 2020 - 

22 April 2020 -

Seeds produced! 30 July 2020 - 

2 August 2020 - 

From this - 26 Nov, 2017 - 

Min a min

So these little plants are flowering right now, as are the murrayas. Such pretty wee things.

New leaves on flame tree 2020 + updates

Beautiful little things they are too. I can't remember there being so many before, nor so cute and gorgeous looking.

30 Jan 2020 - 

3 Feb 2020 - I trimmed the number of branches coming off the top of the plant and limited it to just a few. The leaves seem to be growing more quickly as a result.

5 Feb 2020 -

22 April, 2020 - 

1 June 2020 - she is looking quite lush and leafy at the moment (7am).

12 July 2020 -  she has been on quite the lean for some time, and I have decided to try to straighten her up with stakes.