Saturday, January 30, 2016


I have a bunch of other frangipani's which are loitering around waiting for me to do something with. I'm not sure what I will do with them yet.

Probably plant them around the edges - they give lovely shade.

Never-ending stories + update

So, the first one in the ground is doing quite well. I think it's called a 'yesterday, today and tomorrow' plant. I nick-named it 'the never-ending-story'.

The flower varies in colour from white to violet - so pretty. They can grow quite big, so I will have to prune and shape them. More info HERE.

It started off quite small but looks to be expanding pleasingly. I have another in a pot, which needs to go in. I might get around to planting it today, if the weather cools down or rains and the ground is softer.

Here it is a good time later 30 Oct 2017: Recent rains have made it flower beautifully!

This (below) is not mine, but it's how these plants are supposed to look, and the size is exactly what I'm after - 

Just love those pretty colours...

Second pink coral cutting in, + update, two years on!

I dug up the cutting from Mum's garden, and put it on the fence on the Ripley side, on the other side of the mail box and path, just to balance up the first one.

It looks like it has taken! There's a new leaf extension! The rain today will help, I am hoping.

Latest news - 6 Feb 2017 - it has definitely taken and is growing well, twisting itself around the fence wire! Now all I have to do is keep it moist....

Update - 28 January, 2018:
This tiny cutting has become a huge creeper, covering a substantial part of the corner fence, and is still burgeoning!

I had to trim it recently, Jan 2018, to stop it strangling a couple of nearby bushes, and from covering the letterbox. Below is the photo of all the cuttings, which I threw in the bin. I am SO happy with the way this creeper has grown. I love it, and so do the bees.

Baby Bird

Yesterday we had a fierce wind during a short storm. I reckon these li'l baby birds were blown out of their nest. I found them just lying, already dead, on the dirt at the back of my place.

Poor things. The ants got to them this morning. No sign of mother birdy.

Then, last night, I heard a fearful peeping, and Taffy brought in another baby bird, almost featherless, which was still alive. I rescued it, and put it in a container with some paper towels. Proceeded to read about what to feed baby birds, of course. Boiled the jug then put the container near the jug, and covered all with a tea-towel, so that it would be warm.

This morning, the baby was obviously hungry, peeping away with it's little beak open. So I dropped in about 8 pieces of kitty biscuit which had been soaked overnight in hot water (and were now cold but very soft and mushy). I used a toothpick to drop in the seemingly bottomless pit of a beak, and after the 8th, he went quiet, with no more beaky.

He's sleeping now, in the paper towels in my pantry, where the cats can't get to him. Saffy was very interested when she heard the peeping noises, and came up onto the kitchen counter to see. She was most perturbed when she couldn't have him further!

She soon settled down and lay in her usual place (plate!), near me and the computer. I think she likes being near me, with the fan directly on her, and the warmth of the computer at her back.

I hope the little birdy lives. He's so cute.