Saturday, January 30, 2016

Never-ending stories + update

So, the first one in the ground is doing quite well. I think it's called a 'yesterday, today and tomorrow' plant. I nick-named it 'the never-ending-story'.

The flower varies in colour from white to violet - so pretty. They can grow quite big, so I will have to prune and shape them. More info HERE.

It started off quite small but looks to be expanding pleasingly. I have another in a pot, which needs to go in. I might get around to planting it today, if the weather cools down or rains and the ground is softer.

Here it is a good time later 30 Oct 2017: Recent rains have made it flower beautifully!

This (below) is not mine, but it's how these plants are supposed to look, and the size is exactly what I'm after - 

Just love those pretty colours...

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