Tuesday, October 1, 2019

River Fire

I haven't been to this annual spectacle in Brisbane, but I recall in Sept 28, 2018, being on the balcony at work admiring the skills of the practising pilots of the RAAF planes.

This was the fly-over last year, over where I work.

And another video where the resident birds living near the Brisbane River were frightened.

This year, apparently an ex-student is flying one of the Hornets.

Toowoomba Flower Festival 2019

A year ago today, we were at the Festival for the first time.

We went again last week, 23rd September. It was fun, although the day was long, as the bus driver did not hurry people along and we got home past 7pm. It spoiled the whole day really, and I am not enthused about looking at these photos because of what went on behind the scenes.


Saw this in Big W today at Orion, after having to take Mum shopping there. I was originally priced at $8, but was almost dead, so I asked for a discount, and got it for $1.86! Happy - brought it home and am watering it to see if it will survive. Will plant it in the front garden, in a gap between climbers which will shield me from the corner of the road. I hope. Apparently it has a tiny mauve flower.

22 Oct 2019 - I think it died - 

Hedge for side

to prevent neighbours from gazing. As usual, these are very small at the moment. I have to start small as they are cheaper plants. I'm hoping they will make a lovely tall barrier. I really need to plant bamboo there but can't afford to buy those plants at the moment.

Pumpkins + updates

Mum gave me a half rotted pumpkin for the compost and lo! in that very spot I notice some growth, so perhaps these are pumpkin seedlings. I hope they go mad all over the veggie patch.

1 Oct 2019 - They ARE going mad - everywhere!

15 Oct 2019 - Pumpkin palooza! They are going mad.

21 Oct 2019 -  Flowers!

27 Oct 2019 - I clipped the pumpkin vines this morning as they were over-reaching the tin garden beds (as I knew they would) but I didn't want to think a snake could hide in the cool, under the leaves, to surprise me unpleasantly at night when I go out there to water.

I noticed when doing so (clipping) that I have baby pumps! I know I should be harvesting the flowers to batter and fry, but it's a simple case of can't be bothered.

29 Oct 2019 -

Fruit of the vine, and work of human hands!

20 Nov 2019 - Looking mighty fine!

26 Nov 2019 - Still growing. I will have to look up when it is time to pick the fruit.

26 Dec 2019 - the hugest flower I have ever seen! Dinner plate size!

14 Jan 2020 -  I picked the first one! It's so large!