Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Pumpkins + updates

Mum gave me a half rotted pumpkin for the compost and lo! in that very spot I notice some growth, so perhaps these are pumpkin seedlings. I hope they go mad all over the veggie patch.

1 Oct 2019 - They ARE going mad - everywhere!

15 Oct 2019 - Pumpkin palooza! They are going mad.

21 Oct 2019 -  Flowers!

27 Oct 2019 - I clipped the pumpkin vines this morning as they were over-reaching the tin garden beds (as I knew they would) but I didn't want to think a snake could hide in the cool, under the leaves, to surprise me unpleasantly at night when I go out there to water.

I noticed when doing so (clipping) that I have baby pumps! I know I should be harvesting the flowers to batter and fry, but it's a simple case of can't be bothered.

29 Oct 2019 -

Fruit of the vine, and work of human hands!

20 Nov 2019 - Looking mighty fine!

26 Nov 2019 - Still growing. I will have to look up when it is time to pick the fruit.

26 Dec 2019 - the hugest flower I have ever seen! Dinner plate size!

14 Jan 2020 -  I picked the first one! It's so large!

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