Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Open space for enclosure, and the partition wall is down

 Shane Stephenson - please come soon!

New outdoor power point

First use - helping Ashley do his fence building-concrete churning thing.

Bought 6 more red robins

Fair size, but still baby photinias. From the Salvos' plant store at Bundamba. Selected the tallest, loaded them into the car, and brought them home.

When Ashley is finished digging and cementing in my new fence posts, I'll plant these around the corner area, to improve the border, and use as a sound barrier.

Top of fence - Holes and Poles #1

Lecs done, now for fence

Strybos guys finished yesterday. I'm not entirely happy with where they put new power points but it can't be helped now.

Ashley left his tools here overnight, and the supplies for topping up my front fence.

I am just worried that the holes he has dug are too far out from the fence, although in some spots, I guess he couldn't get much closer, really.