Thursday, November 22, 2018

Shell gingers

Boug #1, this season

Passionfruit plant #2

Nov 2018 - Summer flowering - the poinciana next door. My pashy vine #2 (the first one died and was removed) is going great guns in this position, over the higher fence. I had a few fruit on it when it was smaller but no sign of any since.

Sun, Jan 20, 2019:
I did some pruning and where once I wondered whether anything would grow in this horrible soil, now I have filled a garbage bin with excess foliage!

5 Feb 2019: I harvested 4 more (after the first) fruits from this vine., Unfortunately, I believe the harsh summer weather, with little rain, has meant fewer fruit this year. They are, though, a generous size. It's the black variety.


Rubber Plants

Golden Canes neighbourhood#3 + mine

In the neighbourhood:

15 Nov 2019 - Mine at the front garden - they really ARE golden!

18 Nov 2019 - that leaf now dying - 

Through the fence - pink coral growth

So pretty! The secret garden!

Update: 26 March 2019 - I've trimmed the coral twice already, months between and still it grows well. It's snaking over everything and I do have to keep it in check.
The Post Office even sent me a note asking for it to be cut back as it posed a hazard for the mail deliverers!! They complained about the 'wasps' - really! The bees are so much in pollen heaven, they never bother anyone. 

Early fence - no coral! I took the time to interweave the growing tendrils into the fence, and it wasn't long before it grew over.

Pretty girls inside

Tutti 24 Nov 2018:

12 July 2020 -