Sunday, November 25, 2018

Vic and Isobel

Vic and I have been friends for 20 years this year.

We met at the Albury Skating Rink, when we were both on duty for Sport on Tuesday afternoons at James Fallon High School (Albury North High School in our day).

Isobel died in 2016 of breast cancer. Martin died as a result of a (Ducati) motorbike accident in 2005.

Me, at nearly 60

Big fleshy face and nose

The flowers I took to work on 29 Nov 2018, for my work birthday morning tea. It was so boring, and they didn't even sing me HB. The flowers comfort me a great deal in this horrible place.

Flowering murrayas - parterre

The few murrayas I currently have are flowering. I have to shape them for the parterre garden, and am deciding how high to grow them.

Not sure both of these are murraya - think one is a min-a-min, but I want more in pots.

Exhausted myself on the garden

on Friday and Saturday, and my bones are weary. Am very happy with progress though it has taken 3 days to semi-recover from my exertions!

Pleasant visitor

They say ladybirds in your garden show that it is a healthy place to be.