Sunday, May 24, 2020

Planted two more frangis

These are twigs pinched from gardens in the neighbourhood. I am so looking forward to them being big and tall, and shady.

One is a delicate pink and so is the other. Slightly different shades though. They will just be sticks for a long time yet.

Euodia progress, May - Nov 2020

Put the euodia in the ground this arvie, in the spot I had chosen some time ago.

1 June 2020 - I spy a new leaf at the top! I do hope that means it has taken and is growing.

12 July 2020 -  I check on that new shoot almost each day! Here she is - I made sure I put the mulch from Saturday's mow on the soil to keep the moisture in, around the base and roots of the plant. 

8 Aug 2020 - 

29 Oct - 
It kinda went bad and died back to a stick. I have kept it in a pot hoping that it might shoot back.
Here it is to date - there are tiny shoots. I hope it lives as I love this tree.

2 Nov 2020 - Going to give it some potash today, to try to speed things along.

10 Nov 2020 - I planted it, above Taffy's grave. I watered it well with some potash also. 
The little leaves are there, it just has to grow.

1 Dec 2020 - I think this one has died, and I will have to order another one from Daley's Nursery.

Here is the one from school, taken today. Not in flower. I wanted to see what it looked like without flowers.

Sunday arvo tea at Cafe 37

Thirty-Seven Café Bundamba

Mum and I went to Cafe 37 in Bundamba to have arvo tea today (Sunday arvo, 1,15pm). Thirty-Seven Café Bundamba

Thirty-Seven Café Bundamba

It was quite nice. We had a pistachio and raspberry friand, and coffees. Lovely.

Garden decor

Laundry shelf

Needs painting white, and styling properly.

Shiny thing

I bought this from 'shinythingsau' on Instagram.

She is Wendy Moore, PO Box 903, Kuranda, FNQ 4881.

I love it's substantial size and the colours. It was expensive though: $45 plus $15 postage = $60. I had to go through with the purchase, to keep my word.

19 October 2020 -  I added a small blue square to the mirrored section - 

Some flowers still going in the garden, as winter begins

Mum's bedroom