Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Finishing bits

Getting towards the end

Apparently the plasterer will come today to coat the walls and put up the architraves. I am exhausted living with the mess and dust, thinking of the cleaning that will need to be done, and which I am too tired to do, and thinking of all the steps needed before I can claim this space as usable.

The container out the back needs to be emptied and got rid off, the concrete in this room area must be sealed before I do that and put stuff inside here. I need to sell some of it off.
Ashley needs to finish the back are, carport and shed.
Then I need to think about relocation of the kitchen, laundry and bedrooms. And where will my study go? And my Chinese bed?
And get the hollow floor area filled with concrete.
The water heater moved outside.

OMG it goes on and on.

Look at the mess of dust and bits, below:

It's looking ok. No design award winner, but certainly a bit more useful than it was in terms of internal space, and a heap more privacy from the road, which is important to me. I've tried to ensure there is lots of light coming in to the space, although I have inadvertently ended up with a dark corner...but I'm hoping this can go, once I plan and reconstruct the kitchen area.

New piece of pipe for guttering - nicely positioned so one hardly notices it (below).

Tiina gets sheeted in!

I arrived home last night to hear very vocal miaows, coming from the roof area. Tina had been sheeted inside the ceiling gyprock!

My guess is she scarpered down the other end of the roof whilst the guys were working, and then when she came to get out, could not find her usual exit hole.

Cold and tired from a day's work and a long drive home, I had to grab a screwdriver, unscrew a panel, and allow her to jump onto the up-ended couch and out. Naughty girl.