Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Cats after birds

These lovely blue beaked birds come into my garden. Blue-faced honey-eaters.

They must be nesting right now, as they scream at the cats in the yard. Here, you can see Tutti looking 'huntingly' at one of the blue beaked sitting (behind my petunias) on the large bird-bath.

Star jasmine at front

Growing very well now, and finally thickening up. Needs a clip and prune when the ground is a bit drier.

Red frangi next door

I have one of these in the front, along with a fruit salad frangi, but they are not flowering as well as this one yet.

Galpinii bursts off

The blakeana galpinii is taking off - more than one flower at a time, and some branches reaching forth! I'll have to tie some branches to the fence to keep it a good shape, as well as prune in some places. All the rain this week has apparently done it some good.