Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Desparate for a new coop - hutch

This one, please.

This is the one I photographed at Rissons today: darker wood, or discoloured due to weathering?

UPDATE 26 MARCH 2016 - 

Saw this hutch (below) at the Wildey Street Plants Plus Nursery recently - like it very much. I haven't yet asked where it comes from, but will get around to that.

My furry girls

The beasts

'Flit' the bird #1

He's doing pretty well - eating and pooing; looking bright eyed, and alert. His feathers have grown.

Let's hope he survives the awful heat (33 C today) and lives another day, week, month...

Thanks for his name, Peta!

Where did the cats go?

These two amuse me every single day.

Guilty, as charged, of the indolence of their species!!