Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Preparing to empty the container

Ryan (Wolf containers) is coming out on Thursday morning to help open the container lock (they are trialling a new type and it's a buggar to operate. I've tried with no luck). It is supposed to be returned to them (they come to collect it with a big truck and drag it away) on the 19th.
I am hoping there is NO mould or other drama, and that the thing can just be swept out and removed.

Here it is, loaded and closed - waiting for the pergola to be built.

These are photos of James Stephenson loading it up - way back in 13 April 2018. So I will have had for almost a year, and will be so glad to get rid of it.

Pavers down

I decided the pallets did not work - the pavers needed to be laid to provide better drainage.

So, this morning - 13 March - that's what I did. It was exhausting but I finished before 9am, and it looks fine. I wonder why I didn't do it earlier as it is much better to walk on them than on the old grass that was there!

First stages -

Aaaaand - DONE! Even swept the gravel over the remaining gaps to fill them. I am well pleased.

So, now I am knackered! But pleased that the space is now ready for the stuff from the container.

Where did all the sand go?

Here it was soon after it was delivered from Sapar.

I distributed some around the garden, as well as under the pergola for the pavers. Hopefully, it will break up the soil in those places a bit, and assist with drainage. The soil is so thick and clay-ey generally, all over.

And then it was all gone!

Sand down!

And then it was gone...

On the way to being ready to roll out that container. First, the pavers have to be laid under the pergola.