Monday, March 11, 2019

All rolled up

Want a proper work area and study

Painting the bird cages black

I need proper anti-rust paint first - Rustoleum stuff from Bunnings.

Off to work

with a double chin.

Gorgeous shoe clips I bought from ebay -

I'll be buying more...

At work

27 March 2019 - 

13 May 2019 - 

14 May, 2019 - 

6 Sept 2019 - 

29 Nov 2019 - Debbie was removed from her position in Nov, 2019.

Inside and outside

Moving the azaleas

Trying to find a place where I can plant the azaleas and have them flower and spread.

I first put them in the centre of the garden but thought the sun too harsh for them.

Then I decided to move them to the end of the garden, where they get some shade. I'm not sure whether they will flower well here though.


Garden so dry

Tutti sitting in the breeze

Pergola still being painted and constructed. Tutti was hunting a lizzie (lizard).

Redistributing the soil dug out

I put it around the garden, filling in spots where the soil has washed away. The quality of this stuff is awful - it's all rocks and mess, but it will do. Eventually, I will get some topsoil and dressing for the whole garden.

This area of 'John's Garden' needs some looking at, as the black plastic has deteriorated and I'm thinking to take it up, fill it with topsoil, plant murrayas and then just snip it and them when needed.