Saturday, December 3, 2016

John's Garden - Plans #1

This is the plan for the way it will look in a while...

These photos come from a local Sunnybank garden, well known apparently, which used to be open for visits (but not any more). The guy is available for garden consults, so I might look into that one day.

No more like this....

I need to 'build' (grow) the canopy first, to provide the shade for the understory.

The bougainvillea HAS grown + update March 2018

How she looks March 6, 2018:

March 10, 2017 -

And this, Dec 2016......

from this thin effort, a few months ago....

She's beautiful, ain't she? Lovely pink colour :-)

Change, and growth, DOES happen!

New vignettes

Just a few postings from around the house. If you saw the mess of the place, in reality, you'd see I am trying to put a good spin on a tough situation!

Eat yer heart out Anna Spiro, Oliveaux Interiors, and Cabana on instagram!


Garden adornments

I remembered and found these garden ornaments from Beijing. I've put them tentatively in these positions, but they probably won't stay there.

I hope the house and garden do not look too 'miss-matchy', with heritage type latticey things going on, and then Asian-style bits in the garden. Oh well, they call it 'eclectic' don't they?

We so badly need a good rain - the ground is shrivelling and it's a struggle to keep the plants alive.

Something is missing from the top of these two - hope I find it, in some box or other still to be unwrapped.

And we finally had a big storm this evening, so here is the 'wet and glossy' shot!

Next-door's poinciana in flower

This is my second summer in this house. Next-door, where Andrew and Tracey used to live, there is a magnificent poinciana which flowers this time each year. It is again a beautiful display, and gives me joy just to gaze at it.

My first Alice du Pont flowers

Noticed the buds a couple of days ago, and the new tendrils winding around the lattice of this desparately-needs-a-paint-job balustrade.

And lo! Look at her! So pretty ;-)

And update a few days later: 

Crepe myrtle update

I wish my crepe myrtle looked like Jeanette's - which is flowering stupendously...

My li'l girl is still only an infant. We have a ways to go, we can only hope! I'm looking forward to seeing what colour she is. One day!

Update: Here she is 5 Dec 2018 (2 years on) - looking great and growing well. I love her frilly white flowers!