Saturday, October 28, 2017

Walking iris

Bought this at the market, and here it is - flowering in the front section! I hope they spread!

Such pretty colours match with the purple agapanthus, when they flower - and there's a bulb on one of those already! 

Left - iris ; right - agapantha

Front garden after mowing

I am so proud of creating this.

Tree wisteria + update

I planted this quite some months ago, and for a while, thought it might not grow. However, I am thrilled to note new shoots on it this Spring, and I'm encouraging it on it's way. Recent heavy rains helped, I think. The plan is to get it to grow over a pergola, or posts holding up a shade over the car, or the like.

6 Nov 2017: I added a higher stake this morning as it seems to be taking off!