Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The second pink coral groweth

I think it deserves a post all its own as it has made great progress, and has begun to climb the fence, at last.
More updates to come. I am watering it religiously each evening (I know it likes lots of water).

Many things need doing and moving around but I am sick in bed with flu (3rd day). I tried mowing this morning and almost collapsed in a crying mess with the effort. Gave up, had a shower and went back to bed. I did manage to sweep out the back yesterday afternoon though. It felt good to be out, up and doing. I am so needing to have my energy back.

Chook-house update

Bernie (bless his heart) put the nesting boxes on the back for me, and restored the roof with something more protective for the girls.

I still have to work out a way to insulate them from the cold in the winter to come.

The plastic over the top, with two bricks, ain't so attractive but it shelters the girls a little when they are roosting on the sticks (seen on the left, through the mesh).

The most beautiful girl in the world...

ONE of the two most beautiful FURRY girls in the world!

How can I possibly strip the bed to refresh the sheets while she is sleeping on it?

And here she is, reclining on the sofa today (10 Mar 2016) -