Friday, March 31, 2017

Planted the Variegata

After all the rain from the tail-end of Cyclone Debbie, it is a lovely breezy, sunny day, and things are generally drying out, thank Goodness.

I planted my Bouhinia Variegata, at last. She is very pretty already. I love the 'book-like' double-lobed leaves. It's considered a weed in some parts of the state, but I love the flowers as well as the leaves.

I hope she grows well. The soil is very clay-ey where I've put her. They do seem to grow anywhere but I'll be keeping a close eye on her. Apparently this tree is popular with bees, butterflies and birds, which is one of the reasons why I planted it - height and good shade canopy is another.

Some photos of the full-grown tree:

Update: She's doing well. I gave her a new stake last weekend and she seems to be responding straight and tall!

Post-Script: Three years on, she is growing well. I love this tree!