Thursday, March 9, 2017

Alice du Pont growth

From this, in Dec 2016 -

to this in March 2017 - 

The back of the flower also has very pretty colours...

Sweet potato vine + UPDATES

Newly planted and baking in the summer sun -

to this in March 2017 - 

to this in April 2017 - after I built my 'wall' -

and here's one of the flowers  - 

And in 18 April 2018: it's grown quite heavy and has dragged down the wire mesh used to hold it. I have allowed it to spill over the lawn for the time being, as my intended carport with result in the whole beds being moved a bit. I will probably get rid of the sweet spud, actually, but for now, I really like their pretty flower.

Bougy 1

From this in Jan 2016 -

to this in Feb 2017 - 

to this, in March 2017.

Update 26 March 2017:
Here's a just woken, pale-faced me trying to look awake for the photo, showing that this bract is now much taller than I!

Here she is 7 Dec 2018: She has grown well.

Red Robin growth

From this in Feb 2016 -

to this in March 2017 -

Update 23 April, 2017

Poinciana growth - 'from little things, big things grow'!

From this in Jan 2016 -

to this in March 2017 - 

Look at that thick trunk!

She already casts a goodly shade...

from her beautiful canopy - today, 10 Mar 2017...

So happy! I love her!

Update - 12 Nov 2017 - she's so thick in the trumk now!