Tuesday, April 11, 2017

I built a wall (sweet potato vine)

I managed to build my 'wall' this afternoon - the one which, whilst a bit half-baked, will give me and the back of the house privacy from the corner road, yonder (visible through the mesh).

I am pleased with it, and hope the potato vine will grow up. In any case, the orange creeper, which flowers in winter, will definitely grow and entwine to fill the space, where-upon I can rip out the vine.

One day I will have a proper wooden arch made in place of the star pickets!

Update: 23 April 2017

The kitties this week

Tutti has become so big - all grown. Here she is on the bed, play-fighting with Tiina.

My Taffy (below) keeping me company in the morning sun whilst I polish the car.

 Tiina, keeping me company all afternoon whilst I build the hedge-wall. She's so pretty.

and the chookie-girls, pecking in front of my new hedge-wall (below).