Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A sodden garden!

It rained heavily all night long - I lay awake listening - so lovely to hear and so grateful are we to receive it. I hope the garden goes nuts with growth now.

Look how brown is the grass. I'll take another shot from here in a few days, to compare the lawn.

I need two more azalea beds. I want the front a real riot of red, pink and white colour and fun, and lovely.

My three girls

For some reason, Tutti likes to fight with one of the other cats each morning. Maybe they are defining who has dominance, but I don't like it. Taffy screams in annoyance.

Here they are on the bed, just after I stopped them, and before I arose. Tutti has that wizened look in her eye, as if to say 'I know what you're up to. Who'll strike first then?'.

Here she is annoying Tiina, while Taffy looks on.