Monday, November 29, 2021

Hippiastrum bulbs

These turned up! I did not at first realise what they were but waited a bit until the pods ripened. Turns out they are hippiastrum bulbs. I kept the seed in a plastic box for a short while, then realised that they must be sown as ap if they are to be viable. SoI have scattered the little black flakes a the front corner, outside my fence, along with some nasturtium seeds and cosmos. It's an effort to pretty up that rough corner, where all the building debris is, and perhaps make it look like a rockery. It might take some extra rocks and a cheapo pathway through it to make it finished off.

Latest rose arches

Little Rose and kitties

White rose

This plant is going really well, maybe from all the recent rain we have had. Looks lovely.

Cafe 63, Nov 21

Mum and I go here when she needs to get out the house on a weekend. Usually a Sunday. It's local, and nice.

Inside, my lounge. Nov 21


Big leaf from fig tree, languishing on the concrete - and a thousand fallen little gum leaves looking multi-coloured on the ground, at RPSHS.

Bromeliad flowers

I notice these came up last week, and now they have a little purple bit on the red. So pretty.

New driveway grate bits

Thanks to Bernie and Jeanette From this...

Outside the fence

I do like how the flowers and vines are poking through the external fence.

White crepe myrtle flowers for this season

Mum's white wall, and a family do

Photos of Mum's beloved ;white wall', and a Christmas do at Jenny's.

Little yellow cassias

I bought these from somewhere - maybe I ordered them from Daley's Nursery - I can't quite remember. There are four of them, which I grew in a pot first. Recently, I planted the two strongest looking out into the front garden. I am worried that as the roots were a bit damaged, that they might not survive. They look ok so far, if very small. The other two, still in the pot, I am still deciding where they should go. The flower looks like the one growing in Nan's garden at 31 Hickory Street, Inala, but I'm still not sure. Hopefully, they will flower again this summer, so I can check the bloom!