Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Little girls

I know some little girls who are happy their Mama is home after her few days holiday at the coast. They hated being at the kennel (Imparra, at Purga), even though they were just fine there. They love to be home with Mama.

First ever flame tree flower!

After transplanting the flame tree from the pot to the ground, it shed many leaves.
There are 3 branches sticking out, and I have resisted the urge to cut two off. I'm glad I did, because although the main 'leader' branch sprouted new growth almost immediately, and is now flowering, the other two branches have new growth coming out too.

I wonder what it will look like when it's properly grown. I hope it's not weird for it to have 3 branches - most of these trees have only one.

Today (11 Jan 2018), there are no more of the old leaves left, but there IS encouraging new growth. I hope the three branches will thicken up like the large version - pic down below. It seems to be quite a fast growing plant, or maybe it's just making up for lost time, being frustrated in the pot!

Brachychiton acerifolius, commonly known as the Illawarra flame tree, is a large tree of the family Malvaceae native to subtropical regions on the east coast of Australia.

I suppose this old tree has more than one central branch...

Update: Latest growth - as at 21 Jan, 2018: I hesitate to suggest that perhaps I might get coverage worth of 3 trees, not just the one? if it continues it's growth like this...