Thursday, February 1, 2018

Flower pics

Took these after my first morning walk for the year. Good thing to start in Feb - it's a cooler day, the first we have had for ages. Yesterday was 37C here! Dreadful. Some plants look burned.

Lindy's frangi is doing it's thing again!

15 Dec 2018: Looking better

Just a pic of joy! I love the pinks.

Looks like this has taken. I sincerely hope that's the case.The top tendrils seem to show this. As long as the chooks don't peck them!

Another pic of joyful pink. I love this mandevilla and I believe this is the most blooms it has had at one time, ever! The Queen's Wreath (left of mande) looks a bit tired though. Perhaps it's a cooler weather thing and will pick up.

Update: 30 July 2018 - 

About a month ago, I pulled out the purple Queen's wreath - it had died. would like to get a new one, perhaps in the Spring.

I pulled the pink mande out, as it was never flowering and had aphids all over it. Planted a pink climbing rose instead.

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