Monday, February 5, 2018

New plants from market Sunday 4 Feb

Bought from Maree:

May bush: Oh I SO want this to grow big and lovely to cover that corner! A double-header!

Variegated leaf hibiscus: Very tiny at the moment! I hope it's a red flower. I'd like it to be tall and pretty to make part of the hibi-hedge I want along that front fence. Also, the variegation matches the variegated pink boug at the other end of the garden.

Bougainvillea 'Tango': Problem - when I removed it from its pot, it only had one tap root, nothing else. I don't think they were ripped off - there was no resistance at all as it slid out of the pot. I hope it grows - they don't like their roots bothered.

White ixora - Bought from Bunnings as I had not seen a white one before. Have not yet planted this in the ground.

Bay tree: Have not yet planted this either.

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