Saturday, February 3, 2018

Fishtail palm + updates

I read they needed moisture, and part-shade so I hope being in the garden will be ok for it. I'm concerned that one of the leaves looks a bit yellow. The rain today should help, maybe?

There are a couple of large ones in gardens across from each other, around the block from me, out in the open, so mine surely should do as well?

Here's those:
Looks pretty good (and healthy)

And this one, across the road, is a giant!

Wouldn't it be good if it grew to such heights?!

13 July, 2019 - new leaf - it's the tallest one I've seen yet! The palm seems to be growing quite well, since Feb 2018, though slowly.

20 July, 2019 - 

12 August, 2019 - The leaf still hasn't opened, although it is definitely taller, and I see small serrations along the 'road-side' edge, which tells me it's coming, albeit slowly. Here I am watering at around 7.30 am.

31 August, 2019 - Leaf still a stick, although some wee tell-tale signs of the inside leaking out along an edge, bright green. I've tried t show that in a bit of a close-up of the leaf here (again, whilst watering!).

15 Sept 2019 - I do think it is getting closer to opening - 

18 Sept 2019 - Fishtail new leaf is opening! Little bits of bright green are sticking out! It's hard to get good shots as my camera is not focussing too well.

24 Sept, 2019 - And here she is!

25 Oct 2019 -  she is looking lovely now, and continues to grow well.

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