Saturday, October 12, 2019

Bauhinia seed sale

I decided to sell the white bauhinia seeds I got from ebay. I sold them for $1 for 10 seeds. I'm amazed that they have all sold! Calling them 'Love trees' when the sales flagged seemed to revive interest!

It's a good idea to sell them, as I don't know how old or how viable they are. I mean, I reckon some would grow, but I want fresh ones, from real trees in the street.


Cuttings of half-ripe wood, with the leaves removed, in moist sand July/August in a frame. Gentle bottom heat is usually required. Cuttings root only with difficulty.

I still have some that I collected from the trees in Barker Street, East Brisbane, last year, and will plant those soon.

22 Oct 2019 - Look at my tree, laden with pods!

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