Monday, March 4, 2019

Variegated ficus

Moved the poor thing yet again. This time I hope she has found her forever spot. I really want her to climb up the wall/fence.

Also want the little solid colour one next to it (right) to do the same. They need a lot of water.

2 April 2019 -

20 April, 2019: Growth is happening!

4 May 2019: 

13 July, 2019 - It's had a drink of diluted Seasol this week, so hopefully this will push it's progress along a wee bit now. I've pushed in next to it a sprig of Anne's white geranium. It's a really nice plant and I do want it to grow big and transplant it round the yard.

10 Oct 2019 - I removed the white geranium from the pot and pot it in the veggie patch. Methinks it does not like it there, and I will have to pot it up on it's own.

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