Monday, March 4, 2019

Cigar plant

Bought from the Salvos store.

There were 3 plants in one pot - bonus! So I planted it in 3 locations.

Update 11 March:

This one looks look ok so far. I am keeping the water up to them.

Update: 25 March, 2019 - 

This location appears to be doing well. I have been watering it.

5 Oct 2019 - With loads of water through the drought, she is looking good - 

22 Oct 2019 -  I staked the both of them, one must have died as I can't find it anywhere! These two are increasing in volume and I like them very much.

20 Nov 2019 -

16 May 2020 - the one in the corner near the front gate is finally looking healthier - 

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