Friday, April 6, 2018

Reno - Stage 2 - Step 1 - Electricians #1

Strybos Electricians putting in sensor lights, coach lights, moving the cables from the power pole, installing an outside point or two, affixing new light shades, and fixing power points inside the house.

Dan and Zach (the younger). Jordan joined at lunch time (around 1 pm).

Short poles holding the wires - 

Dan on the roof.

Longer 'hockey sticks' at last! Ready for shed and carport construction there-under.

Lights, still in boxes, bought at Aldi, all laid out for installation.

Zach preparing the cabling for the coachlights.

They'll have to come back for some extra installing when the carport is up, for lights there and for the front extension, lights on the front of the house (towards the main road). I also want the ceiling fan put up (that Anne gave me), and the bathroom heater gadget, after the new roof is on. Phew!

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