Friday, April 6, 2018

Singapore white boug + Updates to end May 2019

Seems to like its pot and is finally flowering.

16 April 2018: continuing to do well so far. I love the white flower.

I put this one in the ground during January 2019, and it has suffered a couple of lashings from the whipper-snipper. It seems to be hardy enough to be growing again though. I so hope it will, as it is so pretty.

Update: 21 March, 2019 - I had moved it out of it's pot and into the ground near the front fence, and sadly, it got a bit damaged due to whip-snipping and so on. After drought, and then a deluge of rain, it seems to have started to get its feet. It's growing again, slowly.

10 May 2019:

20 May 2019:

22 May 2019:

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