Saturday, July 13, 2019

Arch red rose + updates

I have given the whole garden two drinks of diluted Seasol this week, and the rose appears to have had a burst of new growth - which of course now needs tying up to the arch!

22 Sept 2019 -  After months of serious water shortage, and me watering like a mad woman, the rose has flowered again, finally. So many leaves have dropped off, that I thought it never would again.

24 Sept - one more has bloomed. That is 4 now all at once, best yet.

27 Sept 2019 - Let's look at the blossoms out, more than one at a time:

10 Oct 2019 - I've not seen so many blooms as this year!

11 Nov 2019 - I have never known it to be in flower so much - perhaps the dry has brought this on? In any case, it has rained all night and is raining most of the day today. so what will that mean? Less fleurs? Perhaps it has just reached a stage in it's development where it is ready to do what it is supposed to do?!

It's a dull day and the light is not great, but still, I love these photos of the arch in flower. Maybe it will do this every year?

13 Oct 2019 - Loving all the blooms.

16 Oct 2019 - 

22 Oct 2019 - 

14 Jan 2020 - a few little blossoms still appearing after I fertilised the ground around recently (last week).

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