Saturday, December 21, 2019

New plants

From the Salvos....

21 Dec 2019 - and in situ:

Two bougainvilleas. No idea how big they will grow, but they will be great as a hedge along that fence.

White ixora.

Tri-color creeper - died, April 2020 :-(. Will buy another eventually.

White bougainvillea ('Penelope'), so that this side,

matches the other side, like so (with the coconut ice boug):

Planted up the 'sandpaper plant', or petrea volubilis - Queen's Wreath. 
Trying again with plant #3 of this. The other 2 died.

19 Jan 2020 - all the recent rain has helped kick-start her growth -  the lighter green is very attractive 

Out the front I need lower bowl-type pots with petunias I reckon, at least to start with, including the tiny plants I found hatching in the garden.

and I moved the green longer planter round the front to cover a rotten cover on the side section.

Effort needed to try to make this corner look much better. Paint, gate, wire, power box, lanterns. Later!

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