Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Mulch distributed! Job done.

I worked from 10am to after 5pm today - my bones and back ached, but I took Nurofen, to get the job finished. I do feel so pleased that I did it all! Over all, I believe it has taken about 16 hours to get it done, and I hope the garden benefits from all the luscious mulchy bits.
Mulch pile gone!

HERE is a great summary of  what arborist mulch can do for the garden.

Unswept edges, but loads of chippy goodness on the veggie patch. The plants under the original pile (azalea, and dragonfruit) seemed none the worse for wear (and composting heat).

Swept edges -

Oh how great that things are 'greening up' in there - 

Garden top-end - so much neater.

It will look better once the hedge and veggies have grown up further.

At the end of the day, I swept out the back, and watered the whole garden. It will not be until next Thursday (another 3 days away) until it is predicted to rain again, so they needed a wee drink. Got in for a shower around 6pm!

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