Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Started painting the back fence + updates

At last, I decided what to do first with the sample pot of Dulux Domino colour that I have had for a while. I thought doing a panel of the back fence would show whether or not it was a good idea for that area.

I believe it looks good, and makes the greenery pop, not to mention the white. So, I'll do the rest of the fence in the same colour, eventually.

It was lovely outside there in sun - middle of winter, wearing shorts and a t-shirt! I wanted to get this done today, as we are going out tomorrow, and it will rain, according to the forecast, from Thursday for four days.

I think the whole fence in that colour will look great. It sets off the flowers and all around it.

26 Nov 2019 - And ta-da! I finally bought more paint, at the other end of this year!, to continue the fence paint and out the back. Dulux Domino of course.

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