Sunday, April 24, 2016

Lookin' at my back door

Untidy in the kitchen...

but, you know what? It doesn't look so bad...

Topsoil spread out

One week later...

There has been plenty of rain so the grass is leaping out of the ground. Whilst annoying in terms of labour, it also means the topsoil will be better held in place.

I managed to spread it all out in one day, which meant the rains the following day hit the spot. Here are some shots of the garden, a few days later.

Another angle

This morning I happened to walk across the road to chat with Mark and Lisa about something, and looked back at the house, noticing that I had not seen it from this angle before.

So I took a couple photos.

All hail the bloody power-pole!

Anyway, my plants are definitely growing, and that's good to see.