Saturday, October 29, 2016

Latest flowerings

Photos taken this morning: they're all still small, but I'm v. pleased with progress generally. The lawn needs more food for greening it up.

Honeysuckle -

Lovely bright pink bougainvillea -

The latest agapanthus  -

Tibouchina blooms -

Friday, October 28, 2016

All panels up

First morning view....

Plenty of light comes through the panels - there's no shortage of that, about which I am pleased.

I think there needs to be a break in the middle - a window, or something rounded. Otherwise, it looks a bit too enclosed. I can work on that.

The front garden looks a bit 'barren'. I plan to work on a garden bed there, raised and a bit curly, but with several levels and loads of flowers. Something like Bernie and Jeanette's garden, in a patch.

And...hippy-haven! Doesn't that rattan blind take one back to the '70's?

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Lattice - panels all up

Trent completed the putting up of the panels tonight. I can't believe how different the house looks with this up. So much better. 

How to decorate the surrounds is slowly developing in my mind. For now, I've put up 3 brackets to hold the petunia hanging pots. Colour is the thing, I reckon.

Lattice - preparation

Trent - great handyman - doing his 'knock-em-down' thing:

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Lattice #2

Trent has tennis elbow and has a great deal of trouble with his right arm, so I might have to really stretch my patience and wait for him to recovered before he comes to finish putting up the final panels. Gad.
I gave the lawn a haircut this afternoon, as it supposed to rain over the next 3 days or so, and I didn't want it to look raggy, like a jungle.

I took this photo as the chookies were in the middle of the lawn, and just on sunset. A pretty pink glow over everything. I can hardly wait for more work done on the house, starting with the completion of the lattice out the front. Mum's jacaranda above the house looks lovely.

I know what's needed next - a garden bed out front, viz:

First passionfruit (vine #1)!

It fell off the vine #1 and I collected it from the ground.

Ate it - slightly sour and not as golden or fruity as I would like, but quite juicy.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Lattice on front - first views

The sections go up - first one...

then two....

 Trent inspects things.... then...four...

from the inside at night....(things will need rearranging)...

and in the morning...

Trent will finish putting up the panels later in the week. 
Then there's the support frames to do - on another day - and the posts for the side-bits. 
Lots still to be done, but we're on our way. 

Boug growth

From this...

and this...

to this....

and this - thickening up now

Update 23 April, 2017 -  (below) looking good 2 prunes and espaliers later. 
6 months on from the date of first post above, to the day!

Ms Crepe Myrtle

Ms Crepe-Myrtle is doing nicely. I don't yet know what colour it is - she has not yet flowered - maybe this summer?

 And this is her in earlier days...I clipped her a bit during winter. I think her growth is stronger, which is good to see. Hoping for flowers...

And here she is 7 Dec 2018 - she has grown beautifully in two years. And she's white! Such lovely frilly flowers.

Red mandevilla over arch

Hoping this mandevilla will do as well as my first (pink), to grow all over this arch. I hope it likes full-sun because it's going to get a lot of it where it is currently planted. I love the rich colour - called 'Aloha Red', apparently.

Friday, October 21, 2016

New Council trees!

It's taken some time, but finally, the sidewalk is looking miles better than it did. From this mess, to new trees, planted today by the Council - yay!

Seems Charlie Pisasale's offer came good, an I didn't have to wait too long. Kim, the guy I had been speaking with at the Council, texted me the day prior, to say the guys would be coming to put the trees in next day. Then, when I was out feeding the chooks the very next morning, he turned up to check where I wanted them. How thoughtful - I was impressed.

So he marked the spots, as below, and when I came home from work, lo! There they were - and a decent size too. I thought I might end up with tube-stock, but nope - these are really great. I will apply for two more next year!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

First honeysuckle, new season

First flower this Spring!

This below is the honeysuckle when I first put it in -  it's doing ok!

...and even earlier...