Thursday, January 26, 2017

The new kitty - tiny Tina

Tina has quickly adapted. She already knows where home is, and, at just 8 weeks old, is very chilled about it! Must have been born around end Oct - mid Nov 2016.

She's a beautiful girl! and quite ok with being outside in the garden.

An attempt at hiding

Bought these three oval garden beds ($35 each) plus soil (from Sapar $80) to plant a sweet potato vine, which will grow quickly and hide my back garden from cars on the corner street opposite. That's the idea.


the finished beds, baking in the sun. Hope the plants survive - sweet potato vine and orange trumpet winter creeper.

Mum visits!

Here's Mum sitting in my new (second hand) armchair watching The Bold and The Beautiful on TV. She arrived just before 4 then realised she would have to tune in over here.
It's nice to have her here in a normal capacity. Relaxed.
Documenting her visits is important as they don't often happen!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Crepe myrtle flowering!

I was overjoyed to notice the crepe myrtle had flower buds yesterday, almost ready to open. This was so lovely to see, after the whole plant being just two sticks last winter!

I wondered what colour it would be - white or pink, as there were pink stripes on the buds. Turns out - I noticed the buds had opened this morning - it's white!

So pretty! I am thrilled - why be like everyone else with a pink or lilac one?! (I want those too!)

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Mandevilla red

I wish my newly potted red mandevilla would shape and grow more prolifically. I wonder what it needs? Fertiliser? 

My aunt Jenny has two in pots which are healthy as. What's the secret?

Update: this plant died and I threw it out. Would like a replacement. I think it's a dipladenia, not a mandevilla.

'New'(old) stuff

Bought this fab four poster bed from an Ipswich Facebook sale, from Coominya. The guy delivered it and set it up for me for $100. I don't like having strangers (especially men) in my house (or bedroom), but sometimes it's necessary. Easy to put together, and quite high - good value. It suits my room very well. 

And that's my new kitty, lying on the bed. Little smokey-hint of torti-colour Tina. New addition to our family. She is cute but does not like being picked up!

I also sold Peta's fridge and am using my own, from years ago in Albury. Much better size and options re-shelves.
I had the washing machine fixed - it's delivered this morning, so I can get on and be a bit more independent from Mum's machine. Happier re-that.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

New year vignettes

Side garden update

Nothing to report, just a photo-update of the way it looks. It has been so hot that I can't really do anything with it until the weather cools down, in Autumn. Weed, plant a few tall trees, bark over the top.

We have insulation! and a whirly-bird!

I'll let the photos below do the talking... It took 4 and a half hours and seemed very simple for them. It rained at first, then gradually became finer so they could begin the work. I am so glad it has happened - apparently there was nothing between the ceiling and the roof, not even a plastic lining.

I reckon I can feel the effects almost immediately.