Saturday, February 25, 2017

New bits

All from a garden sale in Goodna. Gave them a quick spray with white paint and they look pleasing! All of these pieces, together, came to only $20!

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Had a tiny sprig left from a larger plant which I tended to ignore while I was thinking about a place to plant it out. 

Eventually, I took the red plant out of this tub (as it was dying), and put this twiggy bit in. I have fed it seaweed and water and will now let the sun do its work.

A vigorous array of blue flowers would be nice. Then I'll put it out near the fence I reckon.

Update: 28 Feb 2017

It's flowered! And there are 3 more buds. I'm hopeful it will grow and spread.

Update: 5 March 2017. 
It's growing - multiple blooms! I am careful to water it sparingly (as they like to be drier) every day.

Update 17 March 2017: more growth, with buds! Very encouraging.

Update 25 March 2017:

Update 23 April, 2017

Sunday, February 19, 2017


First - out the kitchen window this morning. Anthony helped me collect this white double-seater rattan chair from KMart recently - very handy.

And, from yesterday, when I had a big garden day. I mowed, raked, whipper snipped and swept. Today I replanted the .... and blew the pits off the back and front. never-ending!

The black umbrella (very thin material) was a cheapie I found on Gumtree, and had to go over to Wakerley to collect. Not a bad drive, and I got to see where suburbs were.

The brolley gives extra shade - very necessary for chooks, car and me!

Friday, February 10, 2017


I'm their human!

Keeping them inside during these nasty hot temperatures we are having this month.

Update 6 March 2017 - look how much Tina has grown!

Thursday, February 9, 2017


They say having ladybirds in your garden means the garden is healthy. I've seen a few lately. Good news!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Taffy and Teenie in bowls!

What a lovely kitty!

22 October, 2020 - Teenie sat in a garden bowl today. Amusing! 'If it fits, I sits'

Dirk's grapevine

Has grown tall this season. I have strung it up so that it grows as cover along my walkway cover at the back. Love the light shining through it.

Garden shots - early Feb 2017

One of the bougs going berserk - I fertilised them not long ago with seasol. She seems to have loved it, and has sent up this sentinel! I want to espalier her on my tall fence eventually.

Anthony's vehicles parked on the block, whilst he is in Mt Isa working.

Little vignette. I bought the cage-bird-thing from a lady in Bundamba, who has a lovely old miner's cottage from the 1890's. She has since introduced me to a number of local gardening groups, for which I am grateful! She loves French things and already has an exquisite garden.

Latest crepe myrtle flowers

She is doing so very well. I am loving the pretty white.

Update: Look at her now, in Jan 2019! So much bigger!