Friday, March 31, 2017

Planted the Variegata

After all the rain from the tail-end of Cyclone Debbie, it is a lovely breezy, sunny day, and things are generally drying out, thank Goodness.

I planted my Bouhinia Variegata, at last. She is very pretty already. I love the 'book-like' double-lobed leaves. It's considered a weed in some parts of the state, but I love the flowers as well as the leaves.

I hope she grows well. The soil is very clay-ey where I've put her. They do seem to grow anywhere but I'll be keeping a close eye on her. Apparently this tree is popular with bees, butterflies and birds, which is one of the reasons why I planted it - height and good shade canopy is another.

Some photos of the full-grown tree:

Update: She's doing well. I gave her a new stake last weekend and she seems to be responding straight and tall!

Post-Script: Three years on, she is growing well. I love this tree!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Palms in front garden

I planted the palms at the front finally. Have been wanting to do this for ages. Three very tall ones at each end and in the middle (from Jan on Facebook), with two golden canes in the middle spaces. Hope they grow nice and tall and look great waving against the sky (without too much mess of dry leaves).

Post-Script: I took them out of the front 'John's Garden' and moved them along the Gum St fenceline. They have grown well. I love their bushy fronds.

Ixora - Sunshine flower

Planted these in between the red robins at the front, to fill in the space. Looks like one of them will flower soon. The color is Malay Pink.

Update on buds 28 March - 

This is how it looks, apparently (below). Time will tell which shade of pink I have!

Update: 14 Feb 2019 -  They've done pretty well, two years on. They aren't much bigger, but they have grown some and flowered again.

23 March 2019 - I have planted a white ixora now. It has a streak of red down the side of some petals. Very pretty.

Queen's Wreath - petrea volubilis

Saw this lovely plant in a garden just up the road from me, and loved it.

It's such a pretty bluey purple. I bought one from Bunnings and have it in the front of the house - hope it grows well, and flowers lots.

Here it is against the lattice, front of house:

Wouldn't it be great if it looked like THIS one day?!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Latest pics

6pm, 17 March 2017. Sunset, after mowing.

6am, 18 March 2017

6pm, 18 March 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

Who's moulting?

The chookies are moulting! Or something funny is going on.

The half-pecked feathers I found on the landing are the ones which were always dubious on the tail end of Henrietta (or was it Dorothea?!). It looks like they are finally coming out - assisted or not, I don't know.

Will keep an eye on them for a while (the chookies, that is, not the feathers!).

White plumbago

Planted a white one near the front fence where there is a red bougy. Wanted a colour break. Can't wait till it gets big and flowers. Will have to water it religiously!

Southern approach

Taken from the footpath, as I approach my house from my morning walk.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Wasted water

The water that cascades off  my roof when it rains is phenomenal. So much is wasted, and I can't do anything just now without a tank.

I struggle by, putting buckets under the main 'gush', but it's still not sufficient to catch it all. Such a shame. A tank and plumbing is one of my priorities.

Catz in a box

The noise was strange - rain on the roof, after so long without. 
Taffy looked to me for reassurance. 
After she vacated the box, Tutti jumped in! 
Cats and boxes!

Virginia Creeper

I bought this because I love it - although I don't really believe it will be a success in the QLD climate. I'd love it to cover my whole back fence. Sigh.

Having bought it in the Autumn, I'm hopeful of a few months growth before the summer sun burns it up next season (note burned leaves at lower levels).

When I visited this plant this morning, to inspect some new growth at the top and wind the tip around the supporting string upwards, I noticed some resistance when I moved a side-tendril. Looking more closely, I saw some little sucker-pads, not unlike the bottom of gecko feet! The sticky pads help geckos climb walls, as do these on the plant.

Here they are - tiny green pads, on the end of fine little tendrils. Fascinating!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Compost bin

I started an uncovered compost experiment, hoping that the chooks will stir it around for me. I'm going to load all my grass clippings and back-sweepings in there, and see what happens after a few months. I put a bag of horse poo in there already, too.

Here's the beginning of it:

and here's where it is in the yard:

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Front garden views

Latest pics taken before my morning walk today, around 6.30 am. The bees love the pink coral (in the foreground). Keeping it! Morgan Freeman recommends supporting wild bees by planting and nurturing bee-friendly plants.

Apparently bees love purple flowers, so they are coming into my garden soon too.

Can you see the puddy-tat?

So happy with all the growth, compared with pics from Oct 2016 and Jan 2017 -

Update: 23 April, 2017 - so much pink coral flower!