Saturday, April 29, 2017

From before

Siam Reap, Cambodia, when we did the Bike for Kids each year, in December. Oh dear - I DO miss these times, and these friends.

Life is SO much less exciting, more bland, and much harder work than it was then...

Beautiful sky

Seen on my walk a few mornings ago - gorgeous. And birds on a wire!

Parkrun 2

Ipswich QLD parkrun results for event #164. Your time was 00:48:15.
Congratulations on completing your 2nd parkrun and your 2nd at Ipswich QLD parkrun today.
You finished in 175th place and were the 87th female out of a field of 203 parkrunners
and you came 9th in your age category VW55-59.
Congratulations on setting a new Personal Best at this event! Congratulations on your fastest time this year.

Parkrun 1

Ipswich QLD parkrun results for event #163. Your time was 00:51:11.
Congratulations on completing your 1st parkrun and your 1st at Ipswich QLD parkrun today.
You finished in 218th place and were the 100th female out of a field of 234 parkrunners
and you came 4th in your age category VW55-59.
Well done on your first run. We have set this as your PB.

Parkrun 3

Beautiful morning though it is becoming a challenge to get out of bed in the cold.

I must be getting better as I barely raised a sweat today!

Pre-race briefing - chatting with new friend, Elizabeth.

On the track with Elizabeth (to my right, in blue) who kept the pace up.

Glamour walk (except for tongue!)

The big finish... a jogging effort.

Ipswich QLD parkrun results for event #166.
Your time was 00:46:14.

Congratulations on completing your 3rd parkrun and your 3rd at Ipswich QLD parkrun today.

You finished in 181st place and were the 85th female out of a field of 207 parkrunners
you came 5th in your age category VW55-59. 

Congratulations on setting a new Personal Best at this event! Congratulations on your fastest time this year.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Hello friend!

A visiting magpie, basking in the sun, and gulping down the remnants of muffins and hot cross buns scattered on the lawn.

The dew is heavy on the grass this morning (he's standing amongst the rough holes and downward track where the rain from Cyclone Debbie washed away my topsoil, grrr), and the first cold snap of winter has arrived, so I guess the birdies need food-fortification all round. Lee-tull things!

And this was one of the beautiful scenes from my walk this morning.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

ANZAC Day 2 - I painted the garden beds

Half done - the contrast

All done, including posts and wire. Glossy!

Compare with the way they were - much nicer now.

The background makes it look like I live in a rain-forest!

I think the green looks better, neater. Less raw, and blends in with the garden. 
I'd like to paint the back fence the same colour - River Gum.

ANZAC Day 1 - Morning Service

A beautiful morning whereupon I made raspberry & coconut muffins at Mum's and painted her back porch.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Cake By The Ocean



Saturday, April 22, 2017

New concrete at back

Had this done when I had the gate built.


I was mowing this afternoon when a glitter on the garden arch (front garden) caught my eye. The sun was setting. I thought 'how did one of my gold earrings end up there?'.

I looked more closely and was overjoyed to find that it was not an earring but a chrysalis! I have not seen one of these for years - since I was a child! I am keen to find out what kind of butterfly builds these lovely golden shapes.

It could be:

milkweed / monarch butterfly

common crow butterfly, other name - oleander butterfly (Euploea core)

I'm thrilled, as I just put out a bee and butterfly rest and drink station not long ago. Very pleased, me. Healthy, welcoming garden. I've had visits before, but this is serious!

I reckon it's this one - and I think it's Dad, showing me he's near.

Need a new chookhouse

What shape shall I get?

From Pet Barn -

Girls - 21 April 2017

With their Mama, in the garden. Tutti in a bowl! One of the last of the Summer 2016-17 shots.

On Mama's bed! This is what I wake up to, most mornings. I love it!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

This lovely bush appears to be progressing pleasingly. I do give it lots of water, which it appears to enjoy.

And this one lives at a house around the corner. I noticed it on my walk this morning. Lovely.

White plumbago grows! + Updates

This plant is growing and flowering well. These are latest pics of growth.

It's pretty and I love it. I want it to grow into a big bushy shrub (to cover the ugly, uneven ground and fence)!

Update 26 Sept, 2017:

Update: 10 Jan 2018 - 

23 Jan 2018: First picked flowers (actually from some trimmings which were heading out onto the verge).

Update 24 Jan 2018 -  I added the zinnabar boug there (in the pot), as there is a huge hole where a stump has been ground out, and where the chookies like to dig. It needs to be filled with dirt and I will get around to that eventually. Want the zinnabar to row some first.